Connecting People
One of the things that I love to do is to connect people together. There are a few things I enjoy more.
I remember the first time I connected two people together and how good I felt about it. I must have been about 10. At that time, I could “connect” one of my friends from church with one of my friends at school to play soccer together in my absence. While I didn’t realize it then, God used that experience to build in me the gift of being a connector.
I was recently reading in Genesis about another Connector. His experience of connecting people allowed me to add some definition and language to some of the things I have instinctively been doing as I bring people together. We don’t know this Connectors name, but we do know that he was a servant of Abraham who was charged to find and ‘connect’ a wife for Abraham’s son. His story is found in Genesis 24.
Here are some things that connectors do and some questions that they ask:
I really believe that in order to transform the world for Jesus’ glory, we need to collaborate and connect more. Connecting with people will become increasingly important in the years ahead if we want to see God's dreams accomplished.
I remember the first time I connected two people together and how good I felt about it. I must have been about 10. At that time, I could “connect” one of my friends from church with one of my friends at school to play soccer together in my absence. While I didn’t realize it then, God used that experience to build in me the gift of being a connector.
I was recently reading in Genesis about another Connector. His experience of connecting people allowed me to add some definition and language to some of the things I have instinctively been doing as I bring people together. We don’t know this Connectors name, but we do know that he was a servant of Abraham who was charged to find and ‘connect’ a wife for Abraham’s son. His story is found in Genesis 24.
Here are some things that connectors do and some questions that they ask:
- Connectors must have the authority’s favor (vs. 2). Who are you representing?
- Connectors must know why they connect (vs. 3). What’s your purpose?
- Connectors should have a backup plan if the connection isn’t going to work (vs. 5). What’s your get out?
- Connectors understand that a higher purpose is often worked out beyond the immediate task (vs. 7). What does God want to do?
- Connectors must have the necessary resources to bring people together (vs. 10). What do you have to offer?
- Connectors understand honest, vulnerable, non-manipulative, relational strategy (vs. 13-14). What’s your plan?
- Connectors establish appropriate markers to progress (vs. 14-15). What’s the green light?
- Connectors examine people beyond the surface (vs. 21). What’s the character of those you are connecting?
- Connectors respectfully ask the right and appropriate questions (vs. 23). What are the right questions to ask?
- Connectors know that people honor good connections (vs. 31). Are those you are connecting grateful for you?
- Connectors are clear about expectations for those they are connecting (vs. 34-38). What expectations do you have among those you connect with?
- Connectors are vulnerable and honest (vs39). Are you being vulnerable?
- Connectors ask for commitments (vs49). How can you “seal the deal” towards the outcome for which you connect people?
- Connectors follow through and keep emotions in check (vs56). How are you staying faithful to your promises?
- Connectors let connections take on a life of their own (vs65). How can you get out of the way?
I really believe that in order to transform the world for Jesus’ glory, we need to collaborate and connect more. Connecting with people will become increasingly important in the years ahead if we want to see God's dreams accomplished.
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